HR 218retiredpolicecarrypermit

HR 218 retired police carry permit

To make an appoint for this requalification call 610-554-4581  or

email me at  

Following a safety check and a review of basic pistol shooting, the retired officer

 may fire a few fire practice rounds and then shoot for a requalification score. 

 We usually shoot this on  Mondays  thru Fridays 8 am til 4pm   call to make an appointment.       

 Heated indoor range for winter  shooting.

The range location is at the Phillipsburg Pistol Club.    You can get a map by going to duckduckgo and click on maps and enter this address

      25 Howard Street  08865

 Time  1 hour         

Equipment required:            Hearing and eye protection

 Handgun and holster.           Extra magazine or a speed loader. 

   100 rounds for record fire               

 Fee for single student is $60.00  Plus $15.oo fee to rent the range.

$10 discount each if you come with a fellow retiree.

